How we achieve an additional $50,000 in savings annually

First let’s be clear. We do not live on tins of baked beans or substitute gravel for toilet paper. Ouch! Secondly the $50,000 in additional savings we are accumulating is not from any increase in income or side gigs. Our savings are purely from implementing smarter ways and choices to legally keep more money in our pockets instead of others. Thirdly, we’re not special. We have the same amount of time and days in a week to do everything we need to do just like you. Lastly we also each have average incomes. Disclosure we pay ourselves $73,060 (after tax) or $100,000 gross annually. So how did we do it? How could we find these additional $50,000 in savings annually (we already save one income of $100,000 annually) without cutting back on our necessities and quality of life? More importantly how can you achieve these levels of savings or more for you? The short answer is “You can, just like us”. You simply need to decide on what you want, identify the price, and...