Getting From Fear to Fearless

Sadly many of us only know how to live life in fear, without knowing how to escape it. We’re even schooled and educated to believe that fear is excellent motivator and a catalyst to our “success”. “Use you fear for motivation” and “Fear is a good thing because it keeps you alive”. Fear, shame, and guilt in some circles is even promoted as good and to be our trusted battle cries to get us off our butts and move forward towards our goals. Being fearless is a total game changer and is even more important than having a pair when facing our fears. Don’t get me wrong. Our fears are big mother f***er, knuckle dragging, fork tongued, devil horned shadows morphing out of the darkness that supernaturally dredge up feelings of insecurity, intimidation and judgement. It’s just that our fears are only emotional shadows. My take on it is our fears are a kind of unsettling twitching feeling we get from our evolved ego self-survival muscle we’ve been developing over the span of ou...